I know all you avid readers have been patiently waiting for me to
return and continue turning out valuable, candid content here on LoFD.
As you all know, I hit a serious snag of writer's block this spring,
which finally culminated in me taking the summer off to focus on the
full transition of my life to New York City and to refresh and reset as a
dance writer. During my intensely busy and stressful summer, it
became clear to me why it was so difficult to write on here. This
chapter of my book had closed and I had transitioned well into
the next series of pages in that
life book. Yet, I continued writing in this chapter
as though I was still leading the life of a traveling dancer at the peak
of their performance career. Essentially, I was no longer existing in
the career state that I had lived when I began writing here on LoFD.
And since I wasn't living the performer's freelance lifestyle, I was
pulling from a queue of topics with less and less to share on here.
Buffalo Bayou overflowing in Houston during Hurricane Harvey |
As my husband and I began to close the curtain on our time in Philly, I experienced two opposing forces in my life. While I was successful in setting up the work I was seeking in the New York area, my summer super commuting really took a huge toll on me. Many of the hours I spent commuting over the past 2 years went into preparing content for my
Pas de Chát podcast and writing posts to share here. I was nervous that I would be miserably bored when I chose to take the summer off from writing. But commuting so much without the
task of writing blog posts gave me some time to sleep, play video games, and think. I never do life simply, and as history would tell it, my summer finished with a bang that included
getting stranded in Hurricane Harvey at a choreography gig and making it through our stressful transition
from Philadelphia to New York City. Throughout this time, I kept imagining and re-imagining what my next
chapter in blogging would look like (or if it would still be a part of my life). I have loved writing on here for
the past 5 years. With nearly 200 blog posts, over 330,000 views,
readers in more than 100 countries, and
recognition from Dance Magazine,
I didn't just want to put away my pencil and focus solely on my podcast
and other media outlets. So, I had an idea. With so many other
transitions in my life resolving themselves in some way or another, it
felt wholly appropriate to begin transitioning my writing into a fresh, new
platform that shares valuable information that is current and relevant
to my career experience today. From this tiny seed, my newest writing venture
was borne.
www.DancingOffstage.wordpress.com |
If you are
reading this today, you should take a moment to head over to my brand
spanking new blog,
Dancing Offstage, that officially launched this week. In this new publication, I will talk about the
post-performance careers of professional dancers.
Have you ever wondered what happens to dancers after they step off the
stage? Are you currently navigating the tricky transition to running
your career as a dance educator, choreographer, administrator, or any
other dance-based career? Are you afraid of how you will tackle your own transition outside of your performance career? By bringing my vast
experience, network of friends that are high-level working professionals, and deep breadth of
knowledge to this innovative platform, I plan to continue candidly
sharing information about the life of artists after they take their
final bows stepping into the second stage of their dance careers.
want to take a moment to thank each and every one of you that has
helped make LoFD such a surprise success! When I first started this
blog, I was barely keeping my head above water as I began navigating
through one of the lowest periods of my life and career. Having this
platform along my side as I navigated to dry land back towards success was the most positive experience of my freelance performance
career. And to have an audience that interacted with me to lift me up
from those lows, to applaud my highs, and to eagerly share my life and career journey has meant the world to me. LoFD has been the most constant
thing in a lifestyle that allows for very little normalcy or regularity.
I don't know how I would've survived without it.
not going anywhere far, so please become my new audience over at
Dancing Offstage. I'll continue offering valuable, candid experience
reports and helpful information on many different topics over there.
It's like a neighbor who moved from the house next door to one across the street.
And you are always welcome to come and knock on my door!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My Living Room View at Our New Apartment in Queens |
(Don't forget that you can always view past blogs by
clicking here & scroll from here down to view about 10 blogs that are not included on this list)